Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Squid vs the Mornings

And every morning when I wake out of bed
The first images of the day:
The lavender polish covering my toenails
Watching with half-shut eyes,
Those same toes digging into the cold carpet
Covered by a faint sunlight from outside
The same light that makes it all cold
No warmth to the new day
Just cold
And unknown

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Squid vs Survival

No matter the regrets, worries, fears, or disappointments; how many relationships you end or are ended for you. No matter if your eye is focused upon the half-empty and not the full. The career doesn't matter; the bachelor's degree is insignificant; pleasing others is dumb.

No matter what happens.
You will come out alive.

Unless you die, that is.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Squid vs the Pattern

I'm falling into that same pattern I found myself a few years ago when I fell to my worst. I don't know what's happening. I don't know what I've lost or what's taken hold over me.

This isn't good.